Oddguys adult gay dating site
Oddguys.org gay dating for men only

Oddguys.org gay dating for men only just released and will be happy to see you soon among its members. Signing up is completely free and lets you yet make a first exploration of the site and its members. Just take a look if there are a lot of guys from your neighborhood!

The importance of online dating

Where do gays have the greatest choice to make contacts with like-minded people? Where are you fastest “on the spot” and do you have the best overview of your possible matches? Where can you oversee the largest dating area? “online!” sounds like the answer to all these questions. Online you have the largest choice! Offline, on the other hand, you are limited to the gay venues in your own city and country, and at most in the region where you go on vacation or on a business trip. Online, the entire gay-friendly world is your dating territory. Just as quickly you are searching between profiles in Hawaii than between those in your own city. What could be easier than sending someone a wink, liking or adding them as a friend? On the Internet in general and Oddguys.org in particular, everyone is just a finger click away. Unless you’re really good at making contacts at the bar, the Internet is the easiest option for all introverts, people with complexes, or those who just like to write it down. No, you are nowhere safer than behind your computer.

Why Oddguys.org?

You know the classic dating sites. Many of these work on the basis of a test, after which the most suitable partners are introduced to you. However, why not just take the making of your contacts completely into your own hands? Get acquainted with whoever you want, or just hint on the fly and choose favorites? The reasons for signing up here can vary. Want to try out the free tools? Some are so good at this that they can make contacts almost exclusively on the basis of this. Or you are curious to read profiles of other members and you especially want to see who is also a member in your area. Many sign up for the international feel or to expand their dating territory. You can also loosen up more easily online than offline. This has its advantage if you visit the bars afterwards. You already know a few people from online and soon you will be surrounded by a group of friends. Or you are looking for people with whom you agree in advance to go out together.

The registration itself

However, the main purpose of Oddguys.org remains that you are looking for a life partner. Keep this in mind when you start your profile. Because this will determine your dating success on Oddguys.org. Even before someone reads your profile, he will see your profile picture. So pay extra attention to this because it is, together with your nickname, the first thing someone else will see about you. Choose a nickname that suits you and preferably one that already gives away something about your personality. Although there is information to be found online, there are no rules for choosing a nickname. The situation is different with your profile picture. Experience has shown that you achieve the most success with a sharp, professional, recent (not older than 1 year) photo in which you are smiling and wear charming clothes that are not too stiff. In short, a photo that invites others to explore your profile further. Also upload some photos and, if possible, videos that reveal something about your behavior in a group. Or on which you practice your favorite pastime. This can be a sport, such as football, horseback riding, even hunting and others or drawing, carpentry, acting and more.

Write your profile

Think of your profile as a personal ad promoting yourself as a dating partner to the Oddguys.org community and beyond to the extent that your profile is shared with social programs. Be honest and complete about yourself without disclosing personal details. Save it for later to share with your exclusive group of friends or just “that one”. Write exactly what you’re looking for on Oddguys.org. Use action terms such as “long term relationship”, “no baggage” by which you mean no wife and kids, “ask me anything” to invite members to start against you. If you’re just looking for a casual date because you already have a boyfriend, tell them. This way you avoid useless drama. Keep it positive and up to date. Don’t use expletives. List things you love. Fill in everything and don’t skip anything. Also do a spell check so you don’t get labeled “sloppy” beforehand.

Why upgrade?

After trying out the free features like winking, flirting, making favorites and adding friends, you can upgrade. You can already form a certain idea about who in your area is also a member of Oddguys.org. After upgrading you can use all other features to connect with the other members of Oddguys.org. These are: better search function, email, text and video chat. One day you will meet someone who wants to meet you offline and vice versa. Arrange a meeting place together. This may but does not necessarily have to be a gay venue in your own city or somewhere along the way between the two cities where you live. Nowadays, even since the COVID-19 lockdown, many choose a random place, be it in a park, gallery or just a square on the street. As long as there is opportunity for activity or to talk.

The first date


Your feeling when you have a first date coming up can be described as a mixture of excitement and nervousness. Therefore, keep this first date short, only 1 to 2 hours, but certainly no longer. Consider this an opportunity to get to know a new friend better if that can calm you down. Worried about what you’re going to say? Keep a list of possible topics. But don’t be too strict about this, let the conversation develop spontaneously so it doesn’t get too contrived.

The appointment

Wear attractive, comfortable clothing that does not look too rigid. Please be on time for the appointment itself. Don’t pretend to be someone too heavy but act natural. Listen to what the other person has to say and keep eye contact at all times. Avoid discussions about sex now, but save those for later.


Whether this first date is a success or rather a disaster, be polite to the end and thank the other person for being there. Do you want to see him again? Then tell him and call him back. Otherwise, stop talking about it, don’t waste time on each other unnecessarily. Maybe he feels the same way about you. Do not force if the feeling of love is not there. At home on your own you can think about this date and determine what you want to improve on it. Also give a rating.


Oddguys.org gay dating for men only


Blogger since 2004 or '05 and passionate about real estate since a long time.

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