Starting with Python
Programming Posted by admin on Sat, Aug 17th, 2019 @ 7:03:58 AM 509 0
A while ago I found a program to make your own digital currency in less than five minutes. If this is a real currency after launching I have no idea. In any case, I didn’t launch it thus never look for it.
Downloading Python
Today I downloaded Python 3.7.4. (for Windows) on There is a tutorial, also, they have docs, and a summary about what’s new.
Learning Python
You can learn Python for free on blockgeeks, on or on Udemy.
Further Reading
Testing code
Python Hosting
Python framweworks
Most popular: Flask, Django
Other: Django, Pyramid, Circuits, Watson Framework, Pycnic, TurboGears, Web2py, Flask, Bottle, CherryPy, Sanic, Tornado, Hug, aiohttp, Growler, Morepath, Falcon, Reahl, Eve, ButterfylNet. [source]
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